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7” Pink Dildo with Balls

SKU: 8353
65,00 IVA

A dildo is a sex toy that is designed to be inserted into the vagina, anus, or mouth for sexual pleasure. It typically resembles the shape of a penis, although there are also non-phallic designs available. Dildos can be made from a variety of materials, such as silicone, rubber, glass, or metal, and can come in a range of sizes and shapes to suit different preferences. Some dildos are designed to vibrate, adding an extra level of stimulation to the experience. Dildos are often used during solo masturbation or as a tool for couples to incorporate into their sexual activities. It's worth noting that while dildos can be a fun and safe way to explore one's sexuality, it's important to always use them safely and hygienically to prevent any potential health risks.

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Ung a dildo can help them to achieve stronger and more intense orgasms by providing additional stimulation to the sensitive nerve endings in the vagina or anus. Dildos can also be used as a way to explore and experiment with different sensations and positions, which can help to enhance sexual pleasure and intimacy.

Furthermore, using a dildo can be a way to practice and improve pelvic floor muscle strength, which can help to prevent or alleviate issues such as urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.