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Nora Barcelona Masturbator

SKU: 4770
35,00 IVA

A male masturbator shaped as a vagina is a type of sex toy designed to simulate the sensation of vaginal sex for men. It is typically made of soft and flexible materials such as silicone or TPE, and is shaped and textured to closely resemble the anatomy of a vagina.

Also known as pocket pussies or realistic masturbators, are a common type of male sex toy designed to mimic the feeling of vaginal intercourse.

Vaginas come in a variety of designs and sizes, ranging from compact handheld devices to larger models that may be more anatomically accurate. They may include additional features such as internal ridges or bumps for added stimulation, and some models may also have vibration or suction mechanisms to enhance the experience.

Male masturbators are used primarily for solo sexual pleasure and are a popular type of sex toy for men who want to experience the sensation of intercourse or explore different sexual fantasies.

The advantages of using realistic masturbators include:

  1. Enhanced pleasure: Realistic masturbators are designed to mimic the sensation of real sexual intercourse, with textures and shapes that feel more like the real thing. This can lead to increased pleasure and a more satisfying sexual experience.
  2. Improved stamina: Using a masturbator can help build endurance and stamina, as well as help men learn to control their orgasm and ejaculation.
  3. Safe and discreet: Masturbators are a safe and discreet way to explore one's sexuality, without the risks associated with casual sex or the need for a partner.
  4. Customizable experience: Many realistic masturbators come with various textures, shapes, and features that can be customized to the user's preferences, allowing for a more personalized and enjoyable experience.
  5. Can help with erectile dysfunction: For men who struggle with erectile dysfunction, using a masturbator can help maintain an erection and increase blood flow to the penis, potentially leading to improved sexual function over time.
  6. Can help reduce stress: Masturbation has been shown to reduce stress and improve overall well-being, and using a realistic masturbator can enhance this effect by providing a more realistic and pleasurable experience.

Overall, using a realistic masturbator can provide a range of benefits for men, including increased pleasure, improved stamina, and a safe and discreet way to explore one's sexuality.