Home » Kit De Bondage

Scandal Over The Door Restraint Cross

135,00 IVA
Scandal – Over The Door Restraint Cross Scandal presents Over the door restraint cross. Enjoy while your dominant partner puts

50 Shades of Grey Keep Still Bed Bondage Kit

135,00 IVA
Exploring new styles of bondage and bondage game in bed is the new target that features 50 Shades of Grey.

50 Shades Of Grey Hard Limits Under Bed Restraint Kit

145,00 IVA
Bed restraint kit with blindfold for secure bondage play Adjustable to fit single, double, kingsize and super-kingsize beds Folds down for travel and adventurous weekends away with your lover Includes 4 x padded cuffs for comfortable restraint and prolonged wear and blindfold. Comes with a travel pouch. Suitable for beginners and advanced couples

50 Shades of Grey Completely His Bed Bondage Kit

125,00 IVA
50 Shades of Grey presents this Bondage Kit to experience new emotions and feelings of pleasure with your partner to